Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How the cookie crumbles

Written on the side of my yummy biscuits:

Our all butter cookies are made by biscuit experts with over 100 years of experience.

Blimey. They're some old, old cookie experts. Maybe their pensions were done over by Robber Brown and they can't afford to retire?

Hope they don't drop their dentures in the cookie dough. That would be horrid.


Big Chip Dale said...

It's not the dentures you have to worry about, Trixy, but their flaking skin. Now enjoy those cookies.

James Higham said...

And coughing up blood from time to time. They have a lot of trouble, those old timers.

Trixy said...

I wonder if the white chocolate chunks were, in fact, the flaking skin...

Bag said...

Mmmm. Two hundred working in the factory. Six months experience each covers it. With the manager at ten months.

I love stats.