Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just a little reminder...

Of what the President of the European Parliament, i.e the only EU institution in which the paymasters have a chance to voice their views, is like.

You might not like our Mr Speaker, but can you imagine the British Press keeping quiet if he was like this monster? Yet they do when he's hidden away in Brussels.


Vindico said...

Trixy, who is that odious little creep standing next to Hannan at the end, shouting him down with "you cannot say that"?

Trixy said...

Christopher Beastley. Or Beazley. Which ever you prefer. Either way he's a Tory elected on a eurosceptic manifesto.

Wonder if he's offered his constituents their money back?

James Higham said...

Hold on. Beazley was shouting down Hanna, both being eurosceptics?

Anonymous said...

I take it the cunts don't like being compared to the Nazis then? That's given me some ideas ...