Tuesday, October 07, 2008

EU in talking bollocks shocker

From The Express
A European Commission spokeswoman told the Daily Express: “The idea is to try to help British and other European farmers fill vacancies so that their crops don’t rot in the field as happened with strawberries in England this year.

Can anyone tell me why firstly our political parties are still pretending we have control over immigration in this country and secondly, why the EU think anyone will be taken in by this pathetic argument. And I use the word 'argument' in it's loosest possible way.

There are people sitting on their arses being paid from the money I give in tax because I get up in the morning and go to work and they watch Jeremy Kyle and eat crisps and smoke fags instead of earning enough money to live on.

Why, if there are jobs going, are we paying ANYONE who can work not to work. It's a fucking disgrace.

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