Tuesday, June 10, 2008

At last...

Northern Ireland's new environment minister said today that much of climate change is beyond man's control and cutting emissions will have limited impact.

Reducing discharges will not alter the global warming cycle, Sammy Wilson added.

Thank heavens! Another person speaking sense, and this one in the right portfolio!!!

now, cue attacks from lentil eaters wearing socks an sandals who think that the change in the earth's climate has only happened in recent years, and that the dinosaurs died in Noah's flood.


Dave said...

Go Trixie!

This new religion of envirobabble will be the death of us all if they succeed in shutting down all the heat generating power stations and industry that have kept the mini ice age at bay for the last 200+ years

Dave said...

Go Trixie!

This new religion of envirobabble will be the death of us all if they succeed in shutting down all the heat generating power stations and industry that have kept the mini ice age at bay for the last 200+ years

Mark Wadsworth said...

Ahem, as any Creationist will tell you, there was never such a thing as dinosaurs, they were invented by 'scientists' to try and disprove The Bibble.