Friday, April 23, 2010

And why would you vote Labour?

Just a quick reality check in the form of a blast from the past, chaps.

Why would anyone vote Labour when we still are in doubts over the truth of the Hutton Inquiry?

You know, when three men resigned over investigative journalism in the public interest, a weapons expert died in quite obviously mysterious circumstances having spoken to the press and the PM's spin doctor was trapped, Aragog-like, circa 'Return of the King' but got off scot free...

And we forgive these cunts and almost one third of the voting population want them back in power?

Seriously? This is not some student party where my warm vodka and tonic comes mixed with mind altering drugs?

We appear to be a nation engrosed with Belle de Jour and her saucy tales of S and M for we desire a mentally deficient crag of rock to beat us before taking us against our will and charging us for the pleasure.


marksany said...

There are two reasons to vote labour:

1) you believe a-socialism is benevolent and b- socialism works, so your vote is based on misplaced altruism

2) you have calculated that your personal circumstances are better under labour because you depend on the state for handouts or work

what brown has been doing is creating more of the latter while ignoring the former.

The Grim Reaper said...

If you're a chav, you'll vote Labour because they'll look after your "baybeh" and give you a council house...

Surreptitious Evil said...

Aragog, Shelob? What's one more giant spider between friends?

Although remember Rowling (Aragog) is a major labour donor. And Shelob (Tolkien) actually appeared in "The Two Towers" book ...

ukipwebmaster said...

Crash and Burn - Brown's Ratner moment: