Sunday, April 06, 2008


Naughty Nazi romper Max Mosley might be regretting his nickname which was, until recently, a compliment on his exceptional legal skills and ability to talk anyone round to anything. I seem to recall being told that he was called to the bar at 21.

No doubt these skills came in quite handy when persuading women of easy virtue to play the well known game of 'hide the gas canister' or whatever it was. Whether it does actually extend to other tongue related activities. Although he does appear to be a cunning linguist...


James Higham said...

[chuckle - nothing more profound on a Monday morning]

Anonymous said...

"persuading women of easy virtue"
- come off it. These are females skilled and willing in sex for cash.
They are not simpering virgins. Get real.

Trixy said...

Even with sarcasm dripping all over it you still can't understand it.

Anonymous said...

Future UKIP candidate?