Sunday, December 30, 2007

I was kindly tagged by Mark Wadsworth to list the 8 Things I want to happen in 2008. So, here goes:

1. I can pay my tax bill
2. I can pay by tax bill in 2009 because someone teaches Gordon Brown economics and he cuts tax, but better still
3. There is a snap general election and UKIP get elected
4. I find a ballroom dancing/Argentine Tango partner who is tall enough for me
5. I finish learning my Schubert impromptu and learn Chopin's Etude in E
6. My mother decides that 2 cats aren't enough and we must simply get kittens
7. My nose decreases in size
8. People realise what a bunch of arse religion is and stop wasting time, money and lives on it.

I tag Chip Dale, DK, Katy, Mr E and The lady formerly known as Belle du Jure. Ha.


Devil's Kitchen said...

Cheers for the taggage, but I was tagged by Dale and so indulged in this meme some time ago.


Mark Wadsworth said...

Ta, you were the first to respond but LT has promised to mull it over. I think you've got a lovely nose BTW.

Trixy said...

Thank you! But I want it smaller. less broad.

Anonymous said...

And I think you'd have lovely kittens ;)