Thursday, August 18, 2005

Pass me my smelling salts

For I just agreed with something someone from the EU has written.

Four EU ministers have said that outdated protectionist methods of international trade will harm EU businesses, and so the EU must ease curbs on Chinese clothing imports or risk job loses. Personally, I don't see why the EU should have anything to do with it, surely it's up to individual countries to decide what passes over their borders, but if they insist on giving away their sovereignty then they must understand that they can no longer make decisions based on the best interests of their country.

It's interesting to note which countries these ministers come from: Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Notably not countries which spend each night frantically beating over the idea of a European Social model, in which their socialist ideals of inefficiency, no innovation, high rates of taxation and powerful unions reign supreme, and whose ears are deaf to the sounds of belly-laughs from countries who can understand that their politics will make the european union ship sink.

Even Sweden - a country where they tax fun have better ideas than only allowing people to work a maximum of 35 hours a week, for example. How can anyone start up a business when they are only allowed to work 4.8% of the week.


Anonymous said...

I saw this shoe-centric article on the BBC today and thought of you (...again!).

Just imagine, being PAID to wear exotic shoes and walk all over silly men - bliss!

Customers will pay for women to walk over them

A businessman has been given permission to open a fetish club in Norwich city centre despite more than 100 objections to the scheme.

City planners gave Roy Singfield the go-ahead to start the so-called "trample club" on Prince of Wales Road, in the heart of clubland for a year.

Men will be able to pay for women to walk on them in a variety of footwear.

The private club, which will be allowed to operate between 1900 BST and midnight, is expected to open in weeks.

The club's hostesses are expected to earn about £100 a night.

Licence review

Mr Singfield, who owns Norwich Bed Centre in Prince of Wales Road, has said there would be no sex at the club.

There were objections to the application from 31 nearby businesses and 74 residents.

Among the leading objectors was hairdresser Gary Thompson, whose business GT Male Hair Desigin, adjoins the fetish club premises at number 87.

Mr Thompson said he feared the fetish enterprise would damage the city's reputation.

"This is Norwich, not Amsterdam," he said.

The club's licence to trade is to be reviewed in 12 months' time.



Anonymous said...

Read your blog Roger.

You do sound like a dull and rather judgemental person:

"but when I was their age, I didn't do stuff like this, I had fun yes, but I didn't need to break the law to do it"

I think that you need to let your hair down once in a while Roger.

Leave the poor kids alone!

Trixy said...

Only £100 a night! Do they charge different rates for the quality of shoes worn, I wonder? £10 for soméone wearing a pair of marks and spencers orthopedics but £100 if you want to be trampled to bliss in a pair of Ginas?

Thank you very much, Roger. I will read your blog.

Anonymous said...

where did you get 4.8%?